Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Maja Dekleva Lapajne lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and works as a freelancer in the field of contemporary theatre. She is a director and a performer, a member of the internationally acclaimed Kolektiv Narobov, the artistic director of the Naked Stage Festival and a member of an international theatre collective Orcas Island Project. She has worked in various different projects and mediums — clown theatre (Moja nit je rdeča, Rdeči noski, Globus Hystericus, Za crknt), contemporary dance performances (Zavod Federacija), interdisciplinary stage events (Predelano življenje), shows for kids and youngsters (Gledališče Unikat, Društvo za razvoj gledališča v izobraževanju), radio and television (RTV Slovenija). She cooperates with numerous organizations and theatres focusing on theatre improvisation worldwide (IGLU – improvizacijsko gledališče Ljubljana, Improške, Impro liga, ŠILA, Die Gorillas, Combats Absurdes, Theater im Bahnhof, Stockholms Improvisationsteater, Česka Improvizační Liga…). Recently she has been working a lot with Marie Wellmann and Christoph Jungmann from Die Gorillas in Berlin and right now they are running a two-year long international improvisational project Our Lives.