Maja Dekleva Lapajne

Maja Dek­l­e­va Lapa­jne lives in Ljubl­jana, Slove­nia, and works as a free­lancer in the field of con­tem­po­rary the­atre. She is a direc­tor and a per­former, a mem­ber of the inter­na­tion­al­ly acclaimed Kolek­tiv Narobov, the artis­tic direc­tor of the Naked Stage Fes­ti­val and a mem­ber of an inter­na­tion­al the­atre col­lec­tive Orcas Island Project. She has worked in var­i­ous dif­fer­ent projects and medi­ums — clown the­atre (Moja nit je rdeča, Rdeči nos­ki, Globus Hys­ter­i­cus, Za crknt), con­tem­po­rary dance per­for­mances (Zavod Fed­eraci­ja), inter­dis­ci­pli­nary stage events (Pre­de­lano živl­jen­je), shows for kids and young­sters (Gledal­išče Unikat, Društ­vo za razvoj gledal­išča v izo­braže­van­ju), radio and tele­vi­sion (RTV Sloveni­ja). She coop­er­ates with numer­ous orga­ni­za­tions and the­atres focus­ing on the­atre impro­vi­sa­tion world­wide (IGLU – improvizaci­jsko gledal­išče Ljubl­jana, Improške, Impro liga, ŠILA, Die Goril­las, Com­bats Absur­des, The­ater im Bahn­hof, Stock­holms Impro­vi­sa­tion­steater, Čes­ka Improviza­ční Liga…). Recent­ly she has been work­ing a lot with Marie Well­mann and Christoph Jung­mann from Die Goril­las in Berlin and right now they are run­ning a two-year long inter­na­tion­al impro­vi­sa­tion­al project Our Lives.

Check out Maja Dekleva's workshops: Beginnings

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