
Erfahrene Trainer*innen teilen ihr Wis­sen in Work­shops mit viel Prax­is und indi­vidu­ellen Tipps. Ganz gle­ich welch­es Lev­el — aus den FLIEGENDE FUNKEN Work­shops nimmst Du garantiert etwas für Deine Gruppe, Dein eigenes Spiel und die Bühne mit.


Bedeu­tung der Lev­els: 

A‑Level: unter 2 Jahren Impro­prax­is
B‑Level: ab 2 Jahren Impro­prax­is
C‑Level: ab 5 Jahren Impro­prax­is

Teil­nah­mebe­din­gun­gen für unsere Work­shops

Für selb­stver­schuldete Unfälle, Garder­obe, Schaden am Eigen­tum und abhan­den gekommene Gegen­stände kann keine Haf­tung über­nom­men wer­den.

Ein Rück­tritt von der Anmel­dung bis 5 Wochen vor Fes­ti­val­be­ginn ist ohne Ver­lust des Teil­nehmer­be­trages möglich (abzüglich 20 € Bear­beitungs­ge­bühr), bei einem Rück­tritt bis 4 Wochen vorher fall­en 50 % des TN-Betrages als Aus­fall­hono­rar an, danach ist der volle Beitrag fäl­lig. Wird vom Teil­nehmenden ein Ersatzteil­nehmer für den gebucht­en WS-Platz gefun­den, fällt lediglich die Bear­beitungs­ge­bühr an, ein Aus­fall­honoar muss dann nicht gezahlt wer­den.
Aktuelle Aus­nah­meregelung: Machen verord­nete Maß­nah­men (z.B. Covid-19) die Durch­führung oder den Besuch des Kurs­es unmöglich, wird wed­er Bear­beitungs­ge­bühr noch Aus­fall­hono­rar berech­net.

Als Ver­anstal­ter sind wir verpflichtet die geset­zlichen Bes­tim­mungen zur Eindäm­mung der Covid-19 Pan­demie einzuhal­ten und gegebe­nen­falls die Umset­zung der Work­shops sowie den Ver­anstal­tung­sort zu ändern.


Expe­ri­enced teach­ers share their knowl­edge in work­shops with
a lot of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence & indi­vid­ual tips regard­less of your lev­el- you are cer­tain to take new tools for your­self, your group and stage with you from the FLIEGENDE FUNKEN Work­shops.


Mean­ing of the lev­els: 

A: Less than 2 years of impro expe­ri­ence
B: Between 2 & 5 years
C: More than 5 years

Con­di­tions of par­tic­i­pa­tion in our work­shops

The fes­ti­val organ­i­sa­tion accepts no lia­bil­i­ty for injury, loss or dam­age to prop­er­ty or pos­ses­sions.

Can­cel­la­tion pol­i­cy:
By a can­cel­la­tion up to 5 weeks pri­or to the fes­ti­val, a full refund is pos­si­ble ( minus 20€ admin­is­tra­tive charge), by a can­cel­la­tion 4 weeks pri­or to begin 50% of the fee will be with­held, after­wards is the full fee payable.
In the case that the par­tic­i­pant finds replace­ment
par­tic­i­pant only the admin­is­tra­tive fee will be charged.

If due to legal rea­sons ( eg. Covid 19) the fes­ti­val is can­celled nei­ther the course fee or admin­is­tra­tive fee must be paid.

As orga­niz­ers we are oblig­ed to obey the legal con­straints for the con­tain­ment of the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic and reserve the right to change the imple­men­ta­tion and loca­tion of the work­shops and venue.

(Level B/English) with Christian Capozzoli

When & Where

Sat. 17.9.2022 14:30–17:30 h
Sun. 18.9.2022 12:30–15:30 h

Room: Mag­a­z­in­bo­den Schlachthof
Instruc­tor: Chris­t­ian Capoz­zoli
Title: THE AERODYNAMICS OF YES — (6 hours) Lev­el B/English


Get famil­iar with the Aero­dy­nam­ics of Yes tech­niques of improv. This 6‑Hour work­shop is designed to build deep con­nec­tions and cel­e­brate syn­er­gy. It sets out to cre­ate a bedrock foun­da­tion for you as a self reliant, team-play­ing, fun-chas­ing impro­vis­er. This is for impro­vis­ers that want a refresh­ing new slant on the way they play. Learn to advance and expand your ideas and weave them into reward­ing scenes and nar­ra­tives, with pro­nounced games.

Chris­t­ian Capoz­zoli

is an Amer­i­can author and impro­vis­er whose meth­ods are taught the world over. He has a B.F.A. in Writ­ing, Lit­er­a­ture and Pub­lish­ing from Emer­son Col­lege and a Mas­ters in Lit­er­a­ture and Edu­ca­tion from Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty.
Chris­t­ian has had the for­tune to work with top comedic voic­es in TV and Film, includ­ing Stephen Col­bert, Lena Dun­ham, Robert Smigel and Adam San­dler. Capoz­zoli trav­eled to Mum­bai to teach and direct the Ama­zon spe­cial “Some­thing from Noth­ing” and has con­duct­ed cor­po­rate work­shops at Yale, Juil­liard, Carnegie Hall and Google.
He has been hon­ored and rec­og­nized as one of the top improv minds and instruc­tors in the world. He has worked and per­formed at UCBNY, Mag­net The­atre, iO Chica­go, Sec­ond City, Groundlings, and Annoy­ance The­atre. His one man show Nut­so Fac­to, toured North Amer­i­ca and Europe, receiv­ing rave reviews from both the New York Times and Post.
His Aero­dy­nam­ics of Yes: The Improviser’s Man­u­al pro­vides read­ers with the essen­tial tools to unlock imag­i­na­tion and cel­e­brate each oth­er.

(Level B/English) with Tanine Dunais

When & Where

Fri. 16.9.2022 14:30–17:30 h
Sat. 17.9.2022 10:30–13:30 h

Room: Mag­a­z­in­bo­den Schlachthof
Instruc­tor: Tanine Dunais
Title: PYSICAL IMPRO — (6 hours) Lev­el B/English


Free your body and min­imise the reliance on dia­logue.
In this work­sop, we will work on var­i­ous tech­niques in order to open the blocks that will help you use your body and envi­ron­ment to devel­op phys­i­cal impro­vi­sa­tion. You will be guid­ed through exer­cis­es to learn to read the stage and work with music. You will also be intro­duced to sim­ple clown­ing exer­cis­es to help you not only lis­ten to your body and fol­low your phys­i­cal impuls­es but also find the com­e­dy and joy in that.

Tanine Dunais

is an Iran­ian impro­vis­er, cur­rent­ly liv­ing in the Nether­lands. She start­ed her improv jour­ney at Dubai’s Court­yard Play­house, and built her foun­da­tions with John­ston­ian for­mats such as Mae­stro and The­atre­s­ports. She’s for­ev­er in the hunt for oppor­tu­ni­ties to per­form in her native tongue, Per­sian, and to show­case more of her her­itage and cul­ture, on stage. Dur­ing her explo­rations, she fell in love with express­ing her­self with­out the use of spo­ken lan­guage.
Her pre­ferred modes of expres­sion revolve around phys­i­cal the­atre, clown­ing, buf­foon­ery, and pup­petry.
Recent­ly, she’s been dig­ging deep into her expe­ri­ences of per­form­ing as an expat, and is con­stant­ly work­ing to find ways to help fel­low impro­vis­ers bring their cul­tur­al and reli­gious her­itage to life, on stage.

(Level A/deutsch) mit Adrian Klein

Wann & Wo

Fr. 16.9.2022 14:30–17:30 Uhr
Sa. 17.9.2022 10:30–13:30 Uhr

Raum: Stu­dio 13
Leitung: Adri­an Klein
Titel: SHORTGAMES — (6 Std.) Lev­el A/deutsch


Jed­er ken­nt sie, jed­er liebt sie. Kurz­for­mate sind „typ­isch” Improthe­ater und den­noch kann man sie nicht oft genug unter die Lupe nehmen. Kurz­for­mate geben uns Struk­tur, fordern uns her­aus und inspiri­eren. Jedes Struk­tur­spiel hat einen Grund, warum es existiert. Diese und andere Exis­ten­z­gründe wer­den wir gemein­sam erforschen und natür­lich: spie­len spie­len spie­len. Las­set die Short Games begin­nen!

Adri­an Klein

Adri­an Klein (München/ Augs­burg) ist Schaus­piel­er, Musik­er, Clown und Twitch Dun­geon Mas­ter. Er ist festes Ensem­ble Mit­glied bei BÜHNENPOLKA in München, Train­er bei ‘Impro macht Schule’ und arbeit­et als Klinikclown. Für ihn ist Frei­heit und Flow das größte Glück. Bei­des kann er täglich im Improthe­ater find­en.

(Level C/English) with Inbal Lori

When & Where

Fri. 16.9.2022  14:30–17:30 h
Sat. 17.9.2022  10:30–13:30 und 14.30–17:30 h
Sun. 18.9.2022  12:30 — 15:30 h

Room: Tanzraum Vor­wärts
Instruc­tor: Inbal Lori
Title: WARNING OF VERNÜNFTIGKEIT — (12 hours) : Lev­el C/English


Just because we live in a cul­ture that is try­ing to do the rea­son­able thing, does­n’t mean we have to rea­son­ably impro­vise. Just because our cul­ture is focused on prob­lem solv­ing, it does­n’t mean we have to do the same on stage. Just because we make “mis­takes” as impro­vis­ers don’t mean we need to pun­ish our­selves in front of the audi­ence. And just because impro­vi­sa­tion has tools does­n’t mean you have to fol­low them like rules.
In this work­shop we would focus on try­ing to be less rea­son­able and more dar­ing as impro­vis­ers. Dar­ing does not mean not pay­ing atten­tion, it should­n’t mean not lis­ten­ing or react­ing to your partner’s offers. What it means to me, is being dar­ing while using the pos­si­bil­i­ties that devel­op as we play, so our sto­ry can go some­where.
From my point of view, hes­i­ta­tion, vague­ness, and unclar­i­ty are big obsta­cles in impro­vi­sa­tion. We have to be clear with what­ev­er we are sug­gest­ing, we have to be bold and con­fi­dent even if we are not 100% sure what is going on, we have to take risks in order to make shit hap­pen!
This work­shop will give us effec­tive tools for clar­i­ty, bold­ness and the courage to cre­ate sto­ries and char­ac­ters big­ger than life.

Inbal Lori

is a grad­u­ate of Jerusalem Art High School and a 3 years act­ing stu­dio (2000). Since then she has been writ­ing and act­ing for tele­vi­sion
and the­ater and has won prizes and schol­ar­ships for her act­ing and writ­ing.
Inbal start­ed impro­vis­ing in Tel Aviv in 2001 and ran an impro­vi­sa­tion school in the city from 2013 — 2017.
In 2015 Inbal moved to Berlin and since then she has taught and per­formed all over the world in places like: USA, Cana­da, Aus­tralia, Colom­bia and Europe.Her per­for­mances include her solo show “Frag­ments of Life” and duo shows such as “CLICK” with Tim Orr (San Fran­cis­co), “The Lorilees” with Lee White (Cana­da), “The Fun Fatales” with Paula Gal­im­ber­ti (Spain) and “Play­ing with the Ene­my” with Arab impro­vis­er Zaki Zikani.
In Berlin she is work­ing and coach­ing the groups “Die Goril­las” and “ImproBer­lin”. Inbal is also teach­ing her year­ly Mas­ter­class “Act­ing for impro­vis­ers” and she has a pre-record­ed mas­ter­class called: “The impro writer”

(Level B‑C/English) with Steen Haakon Hansen

When & Where

Fri. 16.9.2022  14:30–17:30 h
Sat. 17.9.2022  10:30–13:30 and 14.30–17:30 h
Sun. 18.9.2022  12:30 — 15:30 h

Room: Fla­men­coschule Mar­tini­ta
Instruc­tor: Steen Haakon Hansen
Title: SURFING THE MOMENT — FROM PLAY TO STORY (12 hours) : Lev­el B‑C/English


To start with we will play games, fool around, all to get into a play­ful mood. After this, we will exper­i­ment and work on how to receive the first prompt as a present and hon­our it by let­ting it be the core of the com­ing nar­ra­tive? We will also explore using act­ing tech­niques to cre­ate char­ac­ters truth­ful­ly with­in their uni­verse, car­toon­ish, real­is­tic, or satire, what that moment calls for.
In the next part of the work­shop, we will address how to cre­ate char­ac­ter instinc­tive­ly and in the moment. And we will explore how we can stage these char­ac­ters sto­ries. We will also explore how we can tell the sto­ries from dif­fer­ent points of view. An exam­ple: A Pig-farmer tells his sto­ry, and then we hear what the pigs have to say.
In between, we will play and exchange expe­ri­ences.

Steen Haakon Hansen

Steen was born in Den­mark in 1947 and stud­ied dra­ma at the Dan­ish Nation­al School of Per­form­ing Arts from 1973–77. Since then he’s been teach­ing and per­form­ing. Vis­it for more infor­ma­tion and resume. Steen met Kei­th John­stone as ear­ly as 1972. Since then, impro­vi­sa­tion has been the core of all his work in per­form­ing arts, includ­ing direct­ing, per­form­ing and teach­ing.
Steens impro­vi­sa­tion work­shops is based on a unique com­po­si­tion of dif­fer­ent per­for­ma­tive the­o­ries and tech­niques, derived from e.g. Michael Chekov, Yevge­ny Vakhtan­gov, Eti­enne Decroux. All in har­mo­ny with his expe­ri­ences work­ing with Keith´s basic tech­niques and the­o­ries. Steen has over the years worked to find tech­niques that pre­pare you, not to be pre­pared.

“Steen Haakon Hansen is a good fel­low.”
Kei­th John­stone

(Level B/deutsch) mit Neele Leske

Wann & Wo

Sa. 17.9.2022  14.30–17:30 Uhr
So. 18.9.2022  12:30 — 15:30 Uhr

Raum: Stu­dio 13
Leitung: Neele Leske
Titel: JENSEITS DER KOMFORTZONE — (6 Std.) Lev­el B/deutsch


Ein Work­shop, der dich Improthe­ater erfahren lässt, wie du es noch nie erlebt hast. Kein Entkom­men aus Szenen, ohne Idee auf die Bühne, raus aus der realen Welt in neue Gen­res, Aben­teuer und Begeg­nun­gen mit ungewöhn­lich­es Wesen der Improw­elt.
Lerne Boris ken­nen, denn wer ihn ein­mal getrof­fen hat, möchte ihm ungern ein zweites Mal begeg­nen. Freu dich auf einen aben­teuer­lichen Work­shop in der Welt des Improthe­aters, finde her­aus, wann die Gren­zen dein­er Kom­fort­zone erre­icht sind und gehe noch einen Schritt weit­er.

Neele Leske

Neele Leske ist aus dem Nor­den Deutsch­lands nach Franken gezo­gen. Das allein schon! Daneben ist sie seit 2013 selb­ständi­ge Unternehmerin, Exper­tin für Fehlerkul­tur und Change Prozesse, Schaus­pielerin für Unternehmen­sthe­ater und Trainer­in für Impro­vi­sa­tion, Agilität und New Work. Außer­dem trägt sie den Titel Scrum Mas­ter.